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  • Text book printed during the years 2022-23 and 2023-24 (Obsolete) are available for sale at 30% discount for the competitive exam aspirants. The textbooks can be availed from all the regional offices of Tamilnadu Textbook and Educational Services corporation and the District level book fairs.
நீர் அளவே ஆகுமாம் நீர் ஆம்பல்; தான் கற்ற நூல் அளவே ஆகுமாம் நுண்ணறிவு "-   ஒளவையார்
நீர் அளவே ஆகுமாம் நீர் ஆம்பல்; தான் கற்ற நூல் அளவே ஆகுமாம் நுண்ணறிவு -   திருவள்ளுவர்

Welcome to TNTB&ESC

Education is acclaimed as the light of life by one and all throughout the world. Then, it goes without saying that textbooks are the oil for the eternal Lamp of Light. This is so because textbook is still the only practical tool available to both the students and teachers. Can anybody imagine a classroom without textbooks?

When the textbooks were printed and published by private publishers, there was no discipline in the distribution of textbooks in time and artificial scarcities were created to sell the textbooks at unfair prices. Further these textbooks lacked uniformity in content.

With the objective of overcoming these drawbacks, Tamilnadu Textbook Society was established on 05.08.1969 as autonomous body and registered on the 4th of March 1970 as a Society under the Societies Registration Act, 1850 which was renamed as Tamilnadu Textbook Corporation in the year 1993. According to the announcement of The Hon’ble Chief Minister it was once again renamed as “Tamilnadu Textbook and Educational Services Corporation” as per the G.O.(Ms)No.178 dated:06.09.2013.

The Corporation is functioning under the Governance of the Board of Governors constituted by the Government of Tamilnadu. Thiru. Dindigul I.Leoni is the Chairman of the Tamilnadu Textbook and Educational Services Corporation. The Executive Head Dr.P.Sankar, I.A.S., is the Present Managing Director of Tamilnadu Textbook and Educational Services Corporation.